Francesco Pitassio
Francesco Pitassio is professor of Film Studies at the Università degli Studi di Udine. He edited with Dorota Ostrowska and Zsuzsanna Varga Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe. Film Cultures and Histories (2017). Among his books are Ombre silenziose (2002), Maschere e marionette. Il cinema ceco e dintorni (2002), Attore/Divo (2003), Il cinema neorealista (with Paolo Noto, 2010), and Neorealist Film Culture, 1945-1954 (2019). He was the Italian Principal Investigator of the EU HERA project VICTOR-E. Visual Culture of Trauma, Obliteration and Reconstruction in Post-WW II Europe (2019-22), and currently coordinates the national project F-ACTOR. Forms of Contemporary Media Professional Acting. Training, Recruitment and Management, Social Discourses in Italy (2000-2020) (2020-2024) and is the Italian Principal Investigator of the Volkswagen Stiftung project AGE-C. Ageing and Gender in Contemporary European Cinema (2023-2027).
In 2015 he was appointed Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, at the University of Notre Dame (IN, USA) and in 2021 he was invited at the Chaire Roger Odin, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3. His research interests focus on film theory, film acting and stardom, Italian and Central-Eastern European film history, documentary cinema.